Above Ground Pool cleaners

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Above Ground Pool cleaners

Postby Emmy » Fri 12 May, 2006 22:18

I am a new pool owner and my pool is not in a very convenient position. many trees surround the pool hence causing alot of leaves to fall and decay in pool if not removed withing 24 hours. is there any good pool vacumm anyone can recommend for me to buy and use? my pool can hold 12000 gallons of water and the pump doesn't seem to circulate the water well to move debris at the bottom of the pool to the skimmer.
Secondly, is there a pump that I can buy to remove water from my pool when needed quick enough??? I refill my pool every year but it has been a tedius job trying to carry the 12000 gals of water and throw it out
Please help... thanks.

Pool Care Proficient
Pool Care Proficient
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu 06 Jul, 2006 14:24


Postby PoolGuy » Thu 06 Jul, 2006 16:00

they do make a leaf picker upper,just for this,you put your garden hose to it,and it picks up all leafs in the pool. ask your pool pace about it.
Worked and Bulit Pools,For 23 Years

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