pump looses prime during cleaning

Pool pumps, pool filters and the plumbing of
swimming pools. Sand filters, cartridge filters,
fabric filters and alternative filter media.

pump looses prime during cleaning

Postby goober » Sat 03 Jun, 2006 08:35

My filter and pump works fine until a hook a vaccum hose to the skimmer. As soon as I hook my cleaning hose to skimmer it sucks down real tight and the pump backet decreases in water. It looses its prime. I put a new lid and o- ring on and as soon as you hook on the cleaning hose the water in the basket drops. when I take off the cleanning hose and switch to filter it runs great.


Postby sam » Sat 17 Jun, 2006 16:22

Having same problem...Any answers ????

pump looses prime

Postby Robin » Wed 21 Jun, 2006 09:50

Firts thing you need to do is make sure you have enough water to cover the vac plate when it is hooked to the skimmer. You are sucking air and I have had customers with the same problem.

Postby sam » Wed 21 Jun, 2006 15:08

That is hooked up ok and so are all the hoses...I'm thinking maybe a small split in the hose and air might be getting in ??? I guess I'll try a new hose again this year too !!
Thanks !

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