Scale - hard pool water?

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Scale - hard pool water?

Postby JohnO » Wed 26 Jan, 2005 03:31


I keep my pool's pH and chlorine at the right levels (usually), but keep getting scale buildup, especially on the tile grouting and pool steps.

Do you think the problem is the fill water? What should I do to find the cause and what can I do to fix the problem?

Thanks to all

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Pool water scale

Postby Larry » Wed 26 Jan, 2005 08:12

Welcome to the forums John

Firstly I would suggest we try to find out why the scale is forming. The most common reasons are:

Have the water tested for alkalinity and hardness and let me know the results. We can take it from there.

Any good pool supply shop can either test your water, or may stock a test kit you could use. I find the test strips easy to use, though the results tend to be a little hard to read precisely.

Thanks for your post and check in again soon

Pool water problem

Postby JohnO » Fri 28 Jan, 2005 07:55

Thanks for the advice Larry

I've had my water tested and guess what? Things are not too good.

The total alkalinity is 200ppm, calcium hardness is 500ppm and the conditioner is below 15ppm. I've read up some of the stuff you have written on the Pool Maintenance pages.

Which problem should I deal with first and why have these levels gone off?

Thanks again

No pool problems

Postby JohnO » Thu 19 Jan, 2006 15:09

Well, it's been almost a year since my first post and things are so different now. Thanks to the advice you mailed me Larry, I was able to get my pool's water perfectly balanced.

In the Spring I ordered a Pool Wizard thinking "hey, what can I lose?". To my absolute delight I have all but ignored my pool and it still looks great. My yard has become the envy of our neighborhood, though now a few of my friends have started on the Pool Wizard too, so who can remain envious :wink: .

Thank you for these forums and the accurate and friendly advice

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