Hayward Pump and ReGenX RG700 PROBLEMS

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Hayward Pump and ReGenX RG700 PROBLEMS

Postby DanZ » Tue 06 Jun, 2006 20:56

Hello, We bought our house in November and the lady who sold it to us told us that she hasn't done anything to the pool in two years. Mind you she didn't even cover it, I put a blow up pillow in it and bought a pool cover.

I opened the pool four days ago and noticed the bottom on the pool was filled with leaves and other unmentionalbes. I filled the pool up to the skimmer and started raking out leaves and using the vacuum.

I can only use the vacuum for about 10 mins since the filter gets clogged and I have to competely empty the fitler and cleaned and start again.

My problems is that I am loosing suction and my pressure starts at 20 now. Should I invest the 184.00 on a grid element (filter)? I have used an entire bag of DE and I still have more stuff in the pool that needs sucking out, but now I am noticing that the DE and dirt that I am vacuuming out is coming out the "clean/filtered" port. Plus the water looks cloudy today.




Postby bill » Thu 05 Apr, 2007 21:17

go to home depot and in the pool area they have a thing call a super sucker you hook it too your water hose it will blow it up into the net

regenx issues too

Postby northportman » Thu 31 May, 2007 22:17

i had the same issue with the regenx 700 grid element / filter. fills up quick then comes out of the return for some odd reason! may i ask what was the eventual result of your research and what did you do. my email is canale61 at yahoo dot com

thank you!

Regenx cleaning

Postby Bob » Thu 07 Jun, 2007 11:12

I have found when initially opening a pool, if the algae level is high and extensive vacuuming is done to clean the pool, the algae will cake onto the filter and prevents the DE from doing so. Remove the filter and clean-out old DE and algae with hose and maybe a toothbrush if the algae is really hard to get off. Takes a little time but brings filtration back like new. Good luck!

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