:( :( FROGS in my pool :( :(

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:( :( FROGS in my pool :( :(

Postby Bamachild » Tue 06 Jun, 2006 21:24

2 summers ago when we replaced our liner on our above the ground Pool we stopped using clorine and started using Baquicil (at the recommendation of our Pool company). But we keep getting frog in our pool, we never had this problem when we used clorine. I can scoop them out with a net daily, but when it gets dark they find there way back to my pool. Any Ideas on how to stop this and prevent it. I am desperate, Tired of sharing my pool.
:( :(


Postby halito » Thu 08 Jun, 2006 16:09

i would be happy to eliminate them for you. cal me on my cell, at 771-4935. thanks :D

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