Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
Used Baquacil for about 10 years. Got to use it longer than most and than started the read algai/bacteria business. Nothing to do but change over . After the lime green chlorination process if you don't want to stay with chlorine go with Pristine blue. This is a copper based algacide etc. works quite well
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- Location: San Rafael, California
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
Copper alone will not kill bacteria quickly (takes around 40 minutes for what chlorine kills in about 1 minute at normal FC/CYA ratios) and is not effective against viruses. Copper can also stain pool surfaces and is the cause of greenish hair. Though copper is a very effective algaecide, chlorine alone can easily prevent algae growth if the Free Chlorine (FC) level is appropriate for the Cyanuric Acid (CYA) level. Learn more by reading the Pool School.
water mold
Pool User wrote:You probably have watermold. To me this is the only bad thing about baquacil but it doesn't happen to everyone. Here's some homework: Take out your skimmer basket and feel aroudn for any white slime. ALso around the stairs or jets- anyplace with little circulation. High shock and haze are good signs of water mold. Here's the solution: You need to add water clarifier and flocculant to the skimmer. 24-48 hours later you need to DOUBLE shock your pool.Never turn the pump off during this. The complete directions for this are on the back of the baquacil water clarifier bottle. This process works very well- better if you're not on a filter such as sand or de (which I hate). Don't let this turn you from baquacil- if you've noticed the chlorine to baquacil problems on this forum are 100-1.
What if you have a sand filter? Will this process still work?
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
same here... cloudy water $300 later ... need help to convert to chlorine without spending another $300
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- Posts: 2381
- Joined: Thu 21 Jun, 2007 21:27
- Location: San Rafael, California
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
What have you been doing for the conversion that you spent $300? Did you follow Convert Your Baqua Pool to Chlorine?
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
I had the same problem, pink mold first then white water. Fought it all last year. This year I purchased " Pink Treat" 2 containers ( have a 30,000gal pool). I poured one container in one skimmer and another container in the other skimmer and let her run for 48 hours. Clouds of white debris blew out of the discharges. This will not settle out. I then flocked the pool using three containers of flock dissolved in 5 gal. of water. Within 24 hours my pool was almost completely clear from one so cloudy that you could not see the net just below the water. I vacuumed the bottom and got most of it. Had to let it settle again and vacuumed the rest out. Acid washed the sand filter at the end. My plan is to keep Pink Treat on hand and at the first sign of any type of mold, I'm going to attack it immediately.
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
The best way to clean up that pool is dump the Baquacil - the white mold is impossible to kill with this stuff - due some research on alternative pool sanitizers - copper ions UV. You will be a lot happier and it will keep more money in your pocket!
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
Put a Miraclear in the skimmer basket.
Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
we have used Baquacil for several years and are having the same issues. have found out that Revaci can be used without much trouble in its place. the baquacil shock is not a strong and you loose your pool quickly because of this. 

Very cloudy pool using Baquacil
I have the same issues with our 24 foot round pool, I am ready to drain it and take it down. I am so upset with it this year. I have looked at all of my Baquacil supplies and I do not have a water clarifier. What and how much do I put in to shock it. Please help, I am about ready to go the chlorine route too.
yellow water
just opened our baquacil pool it is clear as a bell but yellow. Have had the water tested and the only thing it needed was premium algicide. That was 3 days ago and it is still yellow. I added a second dose of algicide. still yellow and the filter has been running for days. Any suggestions anyone?
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