little foamy bubbles all over top of water

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.

little foamy bubbles all over top of water

Postby Guest » Fri 09 Jun, 2006 20:15

We opened our pool two weeks ago. We've shocked, used chlorine and algicide. The water was very cloudy, but blue. After checking the ph we found it was high and added muriatic acid to lower it. NOW WE HAVE TINY FOAMY BUBBLES H-E-L-P!

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Postby PoolGuy » Thu 06 Jul, 2006 15:34

De- Foamer 1 bottle every 10000 gals. pool place has it
Worked and Bulit Pools,For 23 Years
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had that trouble last year.

Postby ken101 » Sun 09 Jul, 2006 15:35

had that problem last year.
1. Make sure your not useing cheap algacide. like WAL-MART or KMART brand.

2. check for air leaks. Had a bad foaming problem last year turned out to be a bad seal on the pool pump.

little bubbles and foam allover pool

Postby brenda » Mon 05 May, 2008 19:40

please help we open our pool 1 week ago shocked and put algicide we had same problem last year i keep back washing dont know what else to do

Re: Foam

Postby brenda » Mon 05 May, 2008 19:42

[quote="PoolGuy"]De- Foamer 1 bottle every 10000 gals. pool place has it[
uote]wher do you get defoamer thanx
Pool User

Postby Pool User » Mon 05 May, 2008 21:39

New pool user, had the same problem for a couple of days, noticed pool pump was not full of water. Adjusted the seal on the pot lid. No more foam!

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