white algae

Algae problems in swimming pool water.
Green (cloudy) water or slimy pool walls.
Black algae. Mustard algae. Pink or white pool mold.
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white algae

Postby Lisasalgae » Sat 10 Jun, 2006 07:18

I have clumps of white, grayish stuff on bottom of my above-ground pool. It is "fluffy" and disperses when brushed and re-settles. It is not on the wall. It started last summer and survived the winter close-up. We've spent hundreds of dollars for chemicals and nothing works. Local pool store says it is "algae". Otherwise, the water is crystal clear except for the white clumps on the bottom. The liner is two years old and has no stains. PH is good.


"white" algae

Postby Exbursar » Mon 19 Jun, 2006 14:00

What you see is dead algae. Just vacuum it up and you'll all set. Your algaecide and/or shock is working!

how much chlorine do I put in a 800 gal. pool

Postby Guest » Mon 09 Jul, 2007 12:36

Lisasalgae wrote:I have clumps of white, grayish stuff on bottom of my above-ground pool. It is "fluffy" and disperses when brushed and re-settles. It is not on the wall. It started last summer and survived the winter close-up. We've spent hundreds of dollars for chemicals and nothing works. Local pool store says it is "algae". Otherwise, the water is crystal clear except for the white clumps on the bottom. The liner is two years old and has no stains. PH is good.

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