little red worms

Water bugs, swimming insects and sweat bees.
Foaming bubbly water. Frogs in the pool.
Dead animals in the swimming pool.

little red worms

Postby Shannon » Sun 27 May, 2012 23:38

I wasn't aware that we had the little red worms in our pool and my kid was swimming in the water. She is bad about opening her mouth and ingesting the water. If she swallowed bloodworms could this hurt her? Can they live inside of a human and multiply? I am freaking out and so far I haven't found any detailed info about what to do if a live bloodworm was swallowed!! HELP!


little red worms in above ground pool

Postby blondage1972 » Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:43

Same lil red worms and treatment seems to not affect the. Test water for quality levels and is perfect. I do question the statement that they are harmless to humans because I held one in my hand to show friend and it bit me..and pretty good lil sting I'm looking into them a bit further before just assuming they are actually harmless to humans. :) :o
barrel man

little red worms

Postby barrel man » Wed 18 Jul, 2012 23:20

the red worms or larvae along with mosquito larvae and anything else that moves i scoop into my net and then feed them to my fish in my fishtank and i have never seen my fish get so exited and agreesive over the live food
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little red worms

Postby poolfilters » Thu 19 Jul, 2012 01:17

red worms are most likely a sort of larva usually known as “blood worms”. They are harmless and not dangerous but hard to get rid of. They make excellent fish foods.

little red worms

Postby fatman » Sun 12 Aug, 2012 15:38

i went to a pool store.then i bougt the aqua broom.Then i went home.Then i put on the broom and scooped up a brown thing in the bottom of my pool.Then as i was vacuming it became full so i went to clean it with my hose but then i saw a small red worm!i went on line and i was shocked to hear the name. BLOODWORM!!!!!then i was really scared.but since i swam in it afterwards i felt like i wanted to die .do not go in your pool if you have worms in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shh:

little red worms

Postby Guest » Tue 30 Jul, 2013 08:10

if you have gold fish they will eat the blood worm as you can buy bloodworm frozen from shops look at it as free fish food for your gold fish.

Re: little red worms

Postby Eli23 » Mon 25 Jul, 2016 15:21

:wtf: I have the worms in my pool my dog water and my turtles tank I personally recommend emptying then bleaching the pools and then rinceing really good then refilling it. I did a lot of research and it all says that they are harmless. They are just discussing and should not be ingested. So I took my dog to the vet it was fine and now I clean the bucket of water every day to prevent the worms.

Re: little red worms

Postby Eli23 » Mon 25 Jul, 2016 15:26

Eli23 wrote::wtf: I have the worms in my pool my dog water and my turtles tank I personally recommend emptying then bleaching the pools and then rinceing really good then refilling it. I did a lot of research and it all says that they are harmless. They are just discussing and should not be ingested. So I took my dog to the vet it was fine and now I clean the bucket of water every day to prevent the worms.

They do make great food for some aquatic life :eh:

Re: little red worms

Postby jennybeans » Tue 01 Aug, 2017 15:26

They are called Bloodworms. Bloodworms are one stage in the life cycle of the non-biting Midge fly. The red color comes from hemoglobin in the Midge fly’s blood and has no reference to any blood sucking activity. They are herbivorous and feed on algae and other plants or waste material – therefore harmless to you or your animals.
Many fish keepers buy bloodworms as a protein rich food for their fish.

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