I am a new pool owner and have owned this pool for a little over a year. For the first season, the pool was crystal clear and beautiful with no stains anywhere.
On a side note, the pool was resurfaced just before last pool season.
This season, we seem to have brown (dirt looking) stains in the deep end of the pool around the drains. We do not have any metal things in the pool like ladders or metal covers over the drains, so I don't think it is rust. This will not scrub off the bottom with a brush and I have treated for algie and the stains got worse, so I don't think it is algie.
If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciat it. It is driving me crazy because it makes the pool look so dirty.
If you can help, please feel free to email me if that is easier for you.
Thanks everyone and have a great summer!!!