Darker Plaster Color

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Darker Plaster Color

Postby Dennise » Thu 15 Jun, 2006 22:35

We have an inground gunnite pool which needs resurfacing. We like the looks of a darker plaster such as grey. Pool contractor reccomends white plaster as darker surfaces tend to fade/mottle. Has anyone had experience with a darker plaster such as grey? Pros/Cons compared with standard white. Photos? How much fading and when. Thanks for any help.

Swimming Pool Wizard
Swimming Pool Wizard
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Joined: Wed 18 Oct, 2006 14:12
Location: PA

Postby geeman » Wed 18 Oct, 2006 14:38

colored plasters do have mottling which may become more apparent over time. when choosing a plaster color you are really choosing what color water you want to see. a reputable contractor should be able to show you dark pools that are new and several years old

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