is it even possible?

Causes and cures for cloudy swimming pool water.
Milky pool water, white, pink, brown, purple, black cloudy water.
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is it even possible?

Postby dawgriver » Fri 16 Jun, 2006 08:19

O.k so I went and bought some liquid algicide, and some sock it. i added them both and now i have a pool full of milk! :roll: Can anyone P L E A S E tell me what i can do to fix this.Also the only kind of test i have done was the test strips... the don't measure the chlorine.


dawgriver :?


Postby Guest » Fri 16 Jun, 2006 18:06

You need a test kit and I would try something other than strips. In the mean time I would brush that algy off the sides/bottom etc so it mixes up with the shock/chorline.

Best of luck
The Pool Man
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cloudy pool

Postby Katie61 » Sun 18 Jun, 2006 09:22

I filled my new small pool with well water. Turns out that was a bad idea. Our water is very hard and like you it's been milky cloudy for 2 weeks. I've just begun to surf for solutions. Right now I'm looking into something called Pool Magnet.

If it wasn't filled with well water... nevermind.
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dirty little secret

Postby dawgriver » Mon 19 Jun, 2006 04:56

First I'd like to say "THANX" to the POOLMAN! When we had bought our pool it came with a vacuum. Well it SUCKED! (as in didn't!) We went to Canadian Tire and bought a bigger one for only $15.00 and vacuumed our pool in seconds, compared to the water hose driven vac it came with. So in short we figured out that equipment is "VERY" important! we were swimming yesterday :D THANX to all.... This pool forum is a real lifesaver to all of us first timers. :wink:


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